Mr. Uderzo VS. "Mission Cleopatra"! Why?

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Mr. Uderzo VS. "Mission Cleopatra"! Why?

Beitrag: # 4893Beitrag Maik »

As I go over the world :
They were planning to have a movie based on the "Asterix in Spain". But Letter they wrote Uderzo didn't like the "Mission Cleopatra" movie and didn’t let team do it.
My Question is : Did somebody heard what exactly he didn't like???
It was done very well, and had a very good script which had some changes from the ogrinal "Asterix and Cleoptra" but they weren’t bad…

I heard he let team do a "Asterix and Olimpix Games" movie... Still, I just wonder what he dislike sow much about the "Cleopatra" one.
AsterIX Druid
Beiträge: 8042
Registriert: 8. August 2004 17:55
Wohnort: Deutschland

Re: Mr. Uderzo VS. "Mission Cleopatra"! Why?

Beitrag: # 4894Beitrag Erik »

Hello Maik,
Maik hat geschrieben:My Question is : Did somebody heard what exactly he didn't like???

not really. I once asked the question if there's any information about this movie-project, which is youger than from 8/2003. The answer is: No! The latest news is really from August 2003. And that's exactly the message, you told about. In this old news they told us that there are serious differences between Uderzo and Jugnot (who was assigned to write the script for Asterix in Spain). What exactly he didn't like has - as far as I know - never been officially stated. Probably the story had some elements, which haven't been in the spirit of the Asterix-comics.
Still, I just wonder what he dislike sow much about the "Cleopatra" one.
The opinions about this movie are very different. In my humble opinion, this movie is in fact a really bad one! Not only some actors are miscasted (e.g. Jamel Debbouze as Edifis), but the kind of humor was just a bit too much slapstick (like in Jim Carrey- or Leslie Nielson-movies) for my taste. Of course, slapstick doesn't have to be a bad thing, but it is not really the kind of humor, the Asterix comics are known for. The Asterix humor is a much more profoundly one. Of course, that's only my opinion and I know that it is not the majority's one. But perhaps Uderzo's opinion is just something in this direction.
Beside this there seemed to be some personal differences between Albert Uderzo and Alain Chabat. Uderzo once criticized, that Chabat never contacted him during the movie-production.

But I've been glad to hear, that Uderzo will have a bit more influence on the new movie-project. So perhaps the next movie will become a little bit more like I would enjoy it.

"Alle sollt ihr noch sehen, daß ich habe recht!" (Erik der Blonde, Die große Überfahrt, S. 5)

Re: Mr. Uderzo VS. "Mission Cleopatra"! Why?

Beitrag: # 10672Beitrag SingingGandalf »

Maik hat geschrieben:I heard he let team do a "Asterix and Olimpix Games" movie... .
I think that that was by a differant company and producers to the other live action films.