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Asterix und die Landeskunde Belgiens

Kramer, Johannes: Asterix chez les Belges und die Landeskunde Belgiens. Die Neueren Sprachen, Vol. 80:1 (1981) 35-42. ISSN 0342-3816. German with English summary.

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"One of the major problems in the instruction of modern languages is the lack of suitable material which treats the civilization of the countries in question. A new volume of the Astérix series treats Belgium and can fill the gap to a certain extent if used cautiously. The present article explains that the Astérix volume is aimed at the Flemings, not at the Walloons. The Flemings of the Asterix series use a type of French typical for Belgium. The principal characteristics of this Belgian French are illustrated in the article (-ke, venir avec, ça = il, pour). Furthermore, the article suggests that, because Victor Hugo's "Waterloo" is persiflaged in the Astérix volume, it may incite pupils to read this poem.